July 10, 2004

Asleep Again

We land at the burnt scar of an earlier model, where the hidden becomes the lesser part of what’s truly plotted. The skin warps to change flight characteristics; I was alarmingly aware of the reality coursing though the dream; I was in a netherworld, with trimmings, where individual sensations come mute compared to the intensity of their incorporation into a whole. The passage of time was plastic; one can jump forward as easily, as existentially, into the void where null-time rules. The details of the moment where searing were gorgeous, yet only as I zoomed in on them.


Blogger Adamji said...

I never ever got my hands on Proteus.
I shall.

You, mon ami - try nitrazepam 2 mg/10kg body weight, no thc or alcohol,
and tell me of the dreams.

I am realizing there are more types of dream states than there are waking states of consciousness. Of course this is a fallacy, but not subjectively - unless you are perpetually lucid. I have accessed some crazy states of late - but haven't even bothered with logs because each day subsumed the next in intensity.
The ones that are too much fun do not allow you rest.
The Bardo Thodol describes life, not wholly death - these are octaves of meaning. If you have heard, have faced your fears and demons, whichever needed to manifest - then passage is just that. Learning to dream is so much and I think the gift of sleep gives every human being this chance.

I wont spam up your comments.

12:11 AM  

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